This small salt glazed bottle, sealed with a cork and wax, is now hidden inside of the building where Zuid. Boijmans currently resides. It is a contemporary version of the original ‘witch bottles', which were used to protect against black magic. In turn, the witch bottles in my practice serve as amplifiers of positivity, in this case an ode to growth.

Pictures: copyright Boijmans, Nick Geboers

2024, salt glazed ceramics, wooden stools and table, workshops
In A Place at the Table, Ignace Cami explores a series of unusual jugs in the museum collection of Boijmans Van Beuningen; medieval stoneware jugs with a face and a pointy nose. Through a series of workshops with Rotterdam residents, he explores what these jugs might look like in our contemporary society. For this project Cami collaborated with Atelier Herenplaats, Pauluskerk, Theaterwerkplaats Formaat and Stichting Mano.

Zuid. Boijmans Van Beuningen commissions artists and collectives to create works that seek new connections between art, heritage and local communities. Artists are invited to work with local residents, children and organisations. The projects are participatory and based on ideas around collective learning and social practices.

A Place at the Table could not have happened without:

Stijn van Aardenne, Keandra Agard, Birgit van Beek, Natalia Araneda Duran, Anita van Ast, Fatima Barznge, Ivon Bedeau, Etienne Berenos, Jan W. Bijl, Diala Brisly, Nina van den Broek, Elvira van Bronckhorst, Gido Cuppens, Alexandra van Dongen, Ellena, Mariska van der Ent, Nick Geboers, Ana German, Winston Gharbharan, Abdellatif Ghazlane, Vincent Haenen, Selma Hamstra, Christel van Hees, Nicky van der Hoeven, Sharon Hušićić, Sam Janssen, Stijn Kemper, Niels Lagerwaard, Marjon van der Linde, Joachim Maquelin, Alexis Medina Trejo, Julija Mockutė, Zahra Ashouri Movassagh, Nour, Hector Oat, Griet De Pooter, Coen Ringeling, Suze Rongen, Hilde Speet, Bernadette Stokwielder, Aebele Trijsburg, Marjolein van de Ven, Brenda van Vliet, Indra Wouters, Theaterwerkplaats Formaat, Galerie Atelier Herenplaats, De Kunstwerkplaats, Stichting Mano, Pauluskerk Rotterdam and Shadows United

Installation pictures: copyright Boijmans, Nick Geboers
Workshop pictures: copyright Boijmans, Studio Deep
Opening pictures: copyright Boijmans, Houcem Bellakoud


In his interdisciplinary practice, Ignace Cami (°1986, BE) takes folk culture as a starting point to make objects, sculptures, installations and writings. He thereby activates the contemporary meaning of local history.

Trained as a printmaker and sculptor, Cami started moving towards more active and social ways of distributing his projects. Each project creates a new platform for social interaction. By emphasizing familiarity in his own tender and playful way, he pushes the boundaries of performativity and storytelling.


He also ran the artist run CRYING space with Ward Zwart and is a part of collaborative projects like Haas & Gaai, Boris & Kitchenknife and Nestvlieders.

+ CV & selected shows

