2022, archeological pieces, audio, photographs, speculative history
The presentation of ‘Opgevist Verleden’ (Fished-up past) consists mainly of an archeological jug, a fifteenth century beardman jug, that tells its traumatic story from raw clay to stoneware to ending up in front of an audience. Alongside the main piece are vitrines filled with shards that were found at the same site as the jug. They are combined with photos of hands covered in clay, a portret of the jug and a portret of the artist as the jug.

This project was made with the help of Kempens Karakter.


In his interdisciplinary practice, Ignace Cami (°1986, BE) takes folk culture as a starting point to make objects, sculptures, installations and writings. He thereby activates the contemporary meaning of local history.

Trained as a printmaker and sculptor, Cami started moving towards more active and social ways of distributing his projects. Each project creates a new platform for social interaction. By emphasizing familiarity in his own tender and playful way, he pushes the boundaries of performativity and storytelling.


He also ran the artist run CRYING space with Ward Zwart and is a part of collaborative projects like Haas & Gaai, Boris & Kitchenknife and Nestvlieders.

+ CV & selected shows

